The Many Beginnings in August
It hit me today - this is it! This is the month in which everything will really start happening. I'll start working regularly at Clovers again, start college in just a few weeks... everything is going to start. Those thoughts finally pulled me out of the dull drudgery that I've been in for the past few weeks, unable and unwilling to get anything done. Finally I'm beginning to feel excited again!!
I want to hurry and write out all the things I want to do before these small bubbles of excitement pop and leave me feeling down and depressed again. So my plans for summer:
1) Getting started at Stephens! I'm really excited about this! While I know that it'll be good for me to save money and stay home, I am sad that I won't be able to be as intimate a part of the campus as all the girls who get to live in the dorms. I hope that living so close and going everyday for class and clubs can make up for that though!
2) Getting some ground area tilled up and prepared to start a small onion (and other fall vegetable) garden! I've got to bite down on this, or else it'll never get done. I'm also thinking about starting a compost bin and a worm bin or two... Tanner would be happy to help out with that, though I dislike the thought of my worms being grown for future fish bait...
Those are the only big things I can think of right now! I don't think all the little goals are *quite* worth mentioning in this blog yet... ;) We'll have to wait and see what they become! Oh, there is another one though - eat healthier! I love my dad with all my heart, but I'm tired of living a life of never-ending meat-for-dinner meals! Time to take action again and get back in the kitchen with some zucchini and Eating Well recipes!
Oh - and I also want to spring clean/purge my bedroom again in preparation of my classes. It's so much easier to study and learn in a clean, organized environment! Then again, knowing me, it's probably just easier for a Sagey to exist in a clean, organized environment...
Ack, I keep going back and forth on the issue, but for now I think I'll simply use this blog to document all of my gardening! Once I really get going next year I'll start another "garden" blog. ;) Until then I doubt there will be enough to justify managing that much web-space. So, some quick overviews of my garden/s as it/they stand!
Another bad combination of issues forced me to abandon full-scale gardening again this year, but instead of admitting defeat (pfft!) I'll just recharge and get ready for another gardening attempt next year! Besides, I need time to build up some good organic compost from the kitchen. I'll definably have to invest in some worms - since I don't leave near the ocean for kelp, their castings would be the best compost!
Anyway! It is with great pride that I show you my first cucumber!! Poor guy is lying on the ground right now, but I plan to go in and build a proper pyramid of sticks for the plants to grow up once the heat of the afternoon dissipates a tad. I don't know much about cucumbers, though I do love eating them (especially as cucumber sushi!). However I recently learned after perusing Carrots Love Tomatoes (a great book on companion gardening) that cucumbers loathe plants and herbs with strong aromas. Meaning I probably need to move it a safe distance away from my sage plant...

And this? Another cucumber! Don't they look weird when they're all small? And they both still have their flowers! I love watching food grow - it always looks so different and changes in so many interesting ways...
I want to hurry and write out all the things I want to do before these small bubbles of excitement pop and leave me feeling down and depressed again. So my plans for summer:
1) Getting started at Stephens! I'm really excited about this! While I know that it'll be good for me to save money and stay home, I am sad that I won't be able to be as intimate a part of the campus as all the girls who get to live in the dorms. I hope that living so close and going everyday for class and clubs can make up for that though!
2) Getting some ground area tilled up and prepared to start a small onion (and other fall vegetable) garden! I've got to bite down on this, or else it'll never get done. I'm also thinking about starting a compost bin and a worm bin or two... Tanner would be happy to help out with that, though I dislike the thought of my worms being grown for future fish bait...
Those are the only big things I can think of right now! I don't think all the little goals are *quite* worth mentioning in this blog yet... ;) We'll have to wait and see what they become! Oh, there is another one though - eat healthier! I love my dad with all my heart, but I'm tired of living a life of never-ending meat-for-dinner meals! Time to take action again and get back in the kitchen with some zucchini and Eating Well recipes!
Oh - and I also want to spring clean/purge my bedroom again in preparation of my classes. It's so much easier to study and learn in a clean, organized environment! Then again, knowing me, it's probably just easier for a Sagey to exist in a clean, organized environment...
Ack, I keep going back and forth on the issue, but for now I think I'll simply use this blog to document all of my gardening! Once I really get going next year I'll start another "garden" blog. ;) Until then I doubt there will be enough to justify managing that much web-space. So, some quick overviews of my garden/s as it/they stand!
Another bad combination of issues forced me to abandon full-scale gardening again this year, but instead of admitting defeat (pfft!) I'll just recharge and get ready for another gardening attempt next year! Besides, I need time to build up some good organic compost from the kitchen. I'll definably have to invest in some worms - since I don't leave near the ocean for kelp, their castings would be the best compost!
Anyway! It is with great pride that I show you my first cucumber!! Poor guy is lying on the ground right now, but I plan to go in and build a proper pyramid of sticks for the plants to grow up once the heat of the afternoon dissipates a tad. I don't know much about cucumbers, though I do love eating them (especially as cucumber sushi!). However I recently learned after perusing Carrots Love Tomatoes (a great book on companion gardening) that cucumbers loathe plants and herbs with strong aromas. Meaning I probably need to move it a safe distance away from my sage plant...
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