Clubs and Chemistry
I know for a fact my first semester at Stephens will be a flurry of focused, intense studying as I try to cement the basics of my major into my mind - while attending as many events as possible and keeping my grades up. Woo! It already starts to look a little stressful there, but I'm sure if I can keep my room clean and stat meditating more to allow the pressures of life to pass through me then I'll be able to endure it! I can't wait for the weather to cool off so I can finally open my window again...
But... once things (theoretically) settle down in the second semester... I'd be really happy if I could start or join a biology or environmental club. I don't really see the two as separate, to be honest! I've been browsing the internet to see what other biology clubs do, but its nothing like what I have thought about - just normal club stuff, meeting, sharing a meal, volunteering somewhere, buying T-shirts... That isn't quite what I have in mind. What I want to do is be part of a club that is like an informative support system, providing advice and aid in helping you build a healthier life for yourself and be part in taking care of the world around you. I'd love to get a few friends to do yoga or just meditate with...
But for the actual club? Think, weekly carpools to the Farmer's Market for those interested. Trips to the Raptor Rehabilitation Center to visit the local owls and learn about their wildlife rehabilitation programs. I'd even love to dig up the yard on the side of the house and keep it as a "Stephens Community" garden! I'm not that far away from the school, after all, and it'd be safer than a lot of the other community gardens. Except for maybe our darn dogs, but we could probably build a little fence - which would possibly keep it safe from the rabbits and deer. I'd love to lay around and watch "Planet Earth" with people who gasp and are awed by the entire series like I am, while munching fruit kabobs and grilled artichoke. Heh. I want to make a club that takes the concepts of taking care of the earth to a new level - not just "Oh, we volunteer on Fridays at the shelter." but... get people excited about watching the seeds they planted grow! Make them happy to check how many worms are in the compost box, make them relaxed and at ease with themselves as they deal with all the stresses of college and life through stress-release techniques like yoga, group jogging, hiking... see, there is another thing we could do! Go hiking on the MKT trail!
I really love this idea and I'd like to do something serious about starting a "Wellness" (?) club/group - some mix of biology and environmental concerns, tapping into your health and happiness as the prime goals. For now, its just a little seed - but its better that way. I've got time to let the ideas grow and figure out the real winners. If you've got any ideas of your own, speak up!
Also - I'm terrified to start chemistry. But what is biology without chemistry?! But... Chemistry was really hard for me. I have a lot of trouble learning it, probably because my background in math is so poor (due to a series of REALLY bad teachers/classes!). I've decided I might as well start studying chemistry online to try to brush up before classes start and my grades ride on the gaps in my knowledge... Eek!
PS - The cucumbers are getting bigger, but its been so hot! I worry the plant will give up on them. I'm watering them as much as possible, though!
Edit: I wonder if we would tackle the big "issues" in the "club"? Like opinions on recycling, global warming, eating locally, and other events that have environmental impacts? We could rely on everyone to gather information to support their views and present them with some reliable sources. It wouldn't be like a debate session... it'd be more like allowing people to pour their personal opinions and emotions into the debate as valid reasons for a choice one way or the other, instead of just ending the debate on which "facts" win. Like saying you try not to frequent Hersey's chocolate because of the unfair wages that the people on the cocoa fields are paid, but you know that there will always be places where humans will take advantage of each other, so you won't avoid all unfair labor sources. The easy retort would be that supporting the "bad guy" will continue the abuses, but... 'course, any day like that would definitely have to be followed by something really relaxing!!
But... once things (theoretically) settle down in the second semester... I'd be really happy if I could start or join a biology or environmental club. I don't really see the two as separate, to be honest! I've been browsing the internet to see what other biology clubs do, but its nothing like what I have thought about - just normal club stuff, meeting, sharing a meal, volunteering somewhere, buying T-shirts... That isn't quite what I have in mind. What I want to do is be part of a club that is like an informative support system, providing advice and aid in helping you build a healthier life for yourself and be part in taking care of the world around you. I'd love to get a few friends to do yoga or just meditate with...
But for the actual club? Think, weekly carpools to the Farmer's Market for those interested. Trips to the Raptor Rehabilitation Center to visit the local owls and learn about their wildlife rehabilitation programs. I'd even love to dig up the yard on the side of the house and keep it as a "Stephens Community" garden! I'm not that far away from the school, after all, and it'd be safer than a lot of the other community gardens. Except for maybe our darn dogs, but we could probably build a little fence - which would possibly keep it safe from the rabbits and deer. I'd love to lay around and watch "Planet Earth" with people who gasp and are awed by the entire series like I am, while munching fruit kabobs and grilled artichoke. Heh. I want to make a club that takes the concepts of taking care of the earth to a new level - not just "Oh, we volunteer on Fridays at the shelter." but... get people excited about watching the seeds they planted grow! Make them happy to check how many worms are in the compost box, make them relaxed and at ease with themselves as they deal with all the stresses of college and life through stress-release techniques like yoga, group jogging, hiking... see, there is another thing we could do! Go hiking on the MKT trail!
I really love this idea and I'd like to do something serious about starting a "Wellness" (?) club/group - some mix of biology and environmental concerns, tapping into your health and happiness as the prime goals. For now, its just a little seed - but its better that way. I've got time to let the ideas grow and figure out the real winners. If you've got any ideas of your own, speak up!
Also - I'm terrified to start chemistry. But what is biology without chemistry?! But... Chemistry was really hard for me. I have a lot of trouble learning it, probably because my background in math is so poor (due to a series of REALLY bad teachers/classes!). I've decided I might as well start studying chemistry online to try to brush up before classes start and my grades ride on the gaps in my knowledge... Eek!
PS - The cucumbers are getting bigger, but its been so hot! I worry the plant will give up on them. I'm watering them as much as possible, though!
Edit: I wonder if we would tackle the big "issues" in the "club"? Like opinions on recycling, global warming, eating locally, and other events that have environmental impacts? We could rely on everyone to gather information to support their views and present them with some reliable sources. It wouldn't be like a debate session... it'd be more like allowing people to pour their personal opinions and emotions into the debate as valid reasons for a choice one way or the other, instead of just ending the debate on which "facts" win. Like saying you try not to frequent Hersey's chocolate because of the unfair wages that the people on the cocoa fields are paid, but you know that there will always be places where humans will take advantage of each other, so you won't avoid all unfair labor sources. The easy retort would be that supporting the "bad guy" will continue the abuses, but... 'course, any day like that would definitely have to be followed by something really relaxing!!
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