So maybe having four timid tomato plants in containers on the front porch wasn't the best way to flood my autumn with delicious tomato treats, sandwiches, and salad extras. But at least my friend Jazz had the right idea! Her family garden was left to tend all to itself and has managed to turn into a huge, sprawling sea of ripe (and somewhat smelly over-ripe) tomatoes just aching to be plucked up and brought back home. There are so many that her family literally can't pick them all - half of the crop ends up as fodder for the ants dutifully working away in the shade of the tomato plant! And so, even though it was 117º with humidity, I went tomato pickin'! I loved it!! I filled up my basket until it was pretty heavy and had to leave because of annoying little factors like heat stroke, not that I ran out of tomatoes! I'm determined to visit her adobe and raid her tomatoes once again in a few days. If only I had a cute bento box to stash them all away in for school lunches!
Speaking of school - it starts next Thursday! College. Right there. Next week. College. Obviously I'm excited! "Studying" is somewhat secondary to breathing to me - I just love absorbing new facts, understanding how things work, and memorizing more bizzare and fascinating details about the world. It has been a while since I've had to be tested and write essays, though. I'd be lying to say I'm not a "little" nervous.
My basket, before and after we raided her garden! It doesn't look like much, but do you realize how many tomatoes it takes to fill up the bottom of this thing?! I can't wait to go back and get more!
Next year, I'll definitely plant my tomatoes in the ground. Probably cherry tomatoes, too, since they're so easy and fun to eat... and would look cute in a bento box...
Oh! And I'm definitely going to order some pear tomatoes to plant in my garden next year! Check them out - they're so adorable!!
Garden Update
The cucumbers are still growing! I like watching them - I've never grown cucumbers before! They're pretty odd plants, too... or maybe just mine go against the norm. Check out how they grow - filling out as much as they can, then slowly spreading down... is that really how they grow, or do I have some sickly cucumbers? It's cool, either way! And they're rather prickly... Labels: august, gardening, Jazz, tomato
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